US Congress Homeland Security - CARROLL TRUST - FBI Biggest Economic National Security Case

The Carroll Foundation Trust Criminal Case - Largest Organised Criminal Conspiracy and Corruption Case - $ One Billion Dollars
$ Embezzlement of Funds Criminal Liquidation of Assets on a World Wide basis

Saturday, 16 April 2011

US Congress Homeland Security Oversight Committees - US Marshals Service Maryland - GHOST*PROTOCOL - Lord William Marshal of Leinster MAGNA CARTA 1215 * Lord O'Carroll of Ely U.S. CONSTITUTION 1776 - Out of Many One * US Capitol Historical Society + Daniel Carroll of Duddington Estate * US National Treasures Seizures Theft "Forensics Files" - STATE OF MARYLAND GOVERNOR = CARROLL HOUSE ANNAPOLIS MARYLAND TRUST = THE "FOUNDING FATHERS" OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA = NATIONAL TREASURE - FBI Director Criminal "Standard of Proof" Prosecution "Forensics Files" - DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE * CHARLES CARROLL OF CARROLLTON "THE SIGNER" + ARCHBISHOP JOHN CARROLL "FOUNDER" GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY * US CONSTITUTION "PEOPLE POWER"- CARROLL CHAIR OF IRISH HISTORY HERTFORD COLLEGE OXFORD UNIVERSITY - CARROLL FOUNDATION TRUST + CARROLL ANGLO-AMERICAN TRUST - FBI Washington DC Field Office + US Department of Justice Most Famous Trans-National Organized Crime Syndicate Case in History

US HM Crown National Security = LOCKDOWN = FBI Scotland Yard Carroll Foundation Charitable Trust Case

HM Crown Prosecution Service retains a complete - LOCKDOWN - of the US HM Crown Carroll Trust National Security Public Interests Case

US Congress Homeland Security Oversight Committees - US Marshals Service Maryland * US Department of Justice - US CONSTITUTION 1776 *COMMONWEALTH ESTATE INTERESTS - Out of Many One * US Capitol Historical Society + Daniel Carroll of Duddington Estate * US National Treasures Seizures Theft "Forensics Files" - STATE OF MARYLAND GOVERNOR = CARROLL HOUSE ANNAPOLIS MARYLAND TRUST = THE "FOUNDING FATHERS" OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA = NATIONAL TREASURE - FBI Director Criminal "Standard of Proof" Prosecution "Forensics Files" - DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE * CHARLES CARROLL OF CARROLLTON "THE SIGNER" + ARCHBISHOP JOHN CARROLL "FOUNDER" GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY * US CONSTITUTION "PEOPLE POWER"- CARROLL CHAIR OF IRISH HISTORY HERTFORD COLLEGE OXFORD UNIVERSITY - CARROLL FOUNDATION TRUST + CARROLL ANGLO-AMERICAN TRUST - FBI Washington DC Field Office + US Department of Justice Most Famous Trans-National Organized Crime Syndicate Case in History

The United States Marshals Service (USMS) is a United States federal law enforcement agency within the United States Department of Justice. The office of U.S. Marshal is the oldest federal law enforcement office in the United States created by the Judiciary Act of 1789.

In a letter to Edmund Randolph, the first United States Attorney General, President George Washington wrote

Impressed with a conviction that the due administration of justice is the firmest pillar of good Government, I have considered the first arrangement of the Judicial department as essential to the happiness of our Country, and to the stability of its political system; hence the selection of the fittest characters to expound the law, and dispense justice, has been an invariable object of my anxious concern.

NSA Carroll County FBI Gerald Carroll National Security Case:
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NSA Fort Meade Carroll County - OVERARCH - GCHQ - *A-Space *Wires *Networks - Carroll Maryland Trust - U.S. Economic National Security Public Interests Case

The National Security Agency Fort Meade Maryland has a comprehensive cloud computing  collaborative intelligence gathering system within an integrated multi-agency framework