US Congress Homeland Security - CARROLL TRUST - FBI Biggest Economic National Security Case

The Carroll Foundation Trust Criminal Case - Largest Organised Criminal Conspiracy and Corruption Case - $ One Billion Dollars
$ Embezzlement of Funds Criminal Liquidation of Assets on a World Wide basis

Monday 16 April 2012

US Congress Homeland Security Oversight Committees - White House West Wing "Executive Order" Regime * Out of Many One * US Capitol Historical Society + Daniel Carroll of Duddington Estate * US National Treasures Seizures Theft "Forensics Files" - STATE OF MARYLAND GOVERNOR = CARROLL HOUSE ANNAPOLIS MARYLAND TRUST = THE "FOUNDING FATHERS" OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA = NATIONAL TREASURE - FBI Director Criminal "Standard of Proof" Prosecution "Forensics Files" - DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE * CHARLES CARROLL OF CARROLLTON "THE SIGNER" + ARCHBISHOP JOHN CARROLL "FOUNDER" GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY * US CONSTITUTION "PEOPLE POWER"- CARROLL CHAIR OF IRISH HISTORY HERTFORD COLLEGE OXFORD UNIVERSITY - CARROLL FOUNDATION TRUST + CARROLL ANGLO-AMERICAN TRUST - FBI Washington DC Field Office + US Department of Justice Most Famous Trans-National Organized Crime Syndicate Case in History

William Marshal and his bride Isabella duly arrived after the death of Richard I Coeur de Lion. An earthen defensive structure called a motte was quickly built at Old Ross in order to hold the new territory. The town's fortunes further increased when King John made William Earl of Pembroke at his coronation in 1199. A year later the Earl Marshal transferred the Norman capital of Leinster to Kilkenny and New Ross became the main port

Dunganstown 6 km south of New Ross is the ancestral home of the O'Kennedy family which includes Joe Kennedy John F. Kennedy the 35th President of the USA Robert Kennedy and Massachusetts senator Edward Kennedy whose great-grandfather Patrick Kennedy emigrated to America from there

The Temple Church London is the final resting place of the Lord Marshal of Leinster and his sons. Isabella Marshal heiress of the Lord Marshal of Leinster Eire Estates born 9th October 1200 "folklore mystery surounds Donoch O'Carroll of Ely and Isabella Marshal who's grandmother was descended from the Prince's of Ireland Carrolls of Ely. Richard Marshal 3rd Earl of Pembroke lost his life in Ireland in 1234 along side Teige O'Carroll in a fierce battle

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